Everyday these children live in extraordinary circumstances. It is with your help that Redcon1 Foundation was able to provide these school supplies, each hand-packed into 300 branded drawstring backpacks with the following supplies:
- 2 One Subject Spiral Notebooks
- 4 Two-Pocket Organizer Folders
- 1 Zip Top Canvas Pencil Case
- 1 Pack of #2 Pencils
- 1 Pack of Ballpoint Ink Pens
- 1 Pack of Crayons
- 3 Highlighters
- 1 Twelve-Inch Ruler
- 2 Easy Twist-Up Glue Stick
- 1 Pencil Sharpener
- 1 Pack of Pink Erasers
- 1 Scissor (Kid-safe)
- 1 Composition Notebook
- 1 Pack of Colored Pencils
In addition to the school supplies, each bag was given a single REDCON1 MRE Bar (Cookie Dough), a letter of encouragement to the child going into the school year, and some “kid fitness” inspiration complete with exercise descriptions and photo demonstrations!